As the northern winds bring storms to your seas,
You’ll be tossed in the motion for brisk is the breeze.
As you man troubled waters, reach high for the call,
As you watch the waves rise, extend as they fall.

Though the course is unsteady, stay balanced and true.
Though the water is heady, let it flow over you.
For the waves move you forward towards your journey’s end,
Pushing onward and outward and around every bend.

From dusk into twilight, from evening to dawn,
Though darkness surrounds you, know there’s Light just beyond.
The force on the water makes the currents push through.
Move all that weighs on you further beyond you.

There is power in your waters… There is life in your seas…
There are riches beneath you… You hold the keys.
Your treasure is hidden for it dwells at the core.
You must dive deep to seize it from your ocean’s floor.

Vast is your reach and thus far you shall go.
For the Ocean above meets your ocean below.


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Though the sun may follow dawn of day,
Though the evening leads the dew,
As a cry does follow newborn babes,
I will follow only You.

Though the moon may lead the sea to shore,
Though old may follow new,
As the heavens tell the stars to shine,
I will follow only You.

Though lightning leads the thunder’s blow,
Though rain leads colors’ hue,
As watered ground leads seeds to life,
I will follow only You.

As feathered flocks will follow south,
As the eagle follows few,
As the universe must heed Your voice,
I will follow only You.


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As clouds descend over waters blue,
A misty stance then bids adieu, and
I see you.

In the morning fog quite thick with dew,
An image veiled disappears from view, and
I see you.

A distant time from whence we knew
Brings precious rhymes between us two, and
I see you.

A crystal gaze from eyes once blue,
Now emerald haze distorts the view, still
I see you.

Where tears are dried and dreams come true,
I hear your voice – you hear me too.
I touch your face What a precious view.
Today is the day we start anew, for
I see you.


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My light is taken over. The darkness covers all.
Swollen clouds are hovering and the drops begin to fall.

Dismal skies bring somber eyes and fullness brings the rain
As sorrows, through a hazy view, stream down my window pane.

The rhythm of my heartbeat meets my heavy soul’s release.
A silent storm is raging and its pain begins to feast.

The thunder is my anger and its lightning strikes my mind.
A binding wind is blowing cold. I’ve failed the test of time.

Your canopy extends to me against an air so bleak.
Your branches touch my weary soul and nudge me on to seek.

In the clearing I see shelter with a Light that shines within.
Amidst the pour, there’s an opened door to forgive me of my sin.


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Take a look in the mirror. Tell me, what do you see?
Now consider the image that reflects off of me…
As you look for a moment and pause for a stare,
Are you sure that your likeness is all you see there?

For the one in this mirror, though he fits like a glove,
Is made in the image of the One up above.
The outward appearance may disguise what’s inside,
But your actions reveal if the Spirit resides.

Do the eyes of redemption peer out from your face?
Or a look that condemns those whom He’s given grace?
Do you hear with your ears when one cries out in pain?
Does silence resound when His Voice calls your name?

Do your lips speak with truth? Do they talk of His word?
Do lies and deception bring what you deserve?
Do your arms reach for those who are hurting inside?
Do you hold them or scold them while floundering in pride?

Do your hands touch the lives He has asked you to heal?
Or turn from the burdens and the blessings you steal?
Do your feet walk with mercy? Do they move to defend?
Do they stand with resentment? Do they race to offend?

Does the fruit in your life reflect all that He’s earned?
Or a field dry and barren that yields no return?
On the day of your judgment, once again, you will stand.
But the view you will see will be lost to your hand.

Will Jesus agree that you walked in His way?
Or will penalty’s cost be the price you must pay?
God’s Mirror reflects what our eyes cannot see.
As you stand here before me, how now do you plea?


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You, stepping high and looking quite fine,
The world is your runway as you keep in time.
All eyes are upon you – your beauty, your style.
You’re walking that walk and you’re flashing that smile.
As God gives you favor and doors open wide,
Be careful to guard against arrogant pride.
For the Lord has exalted many a man.
Yet, He’s humbled the same – yes, it is all in His hand.

The path that you follow is not meant for all
As many are chosen but few here are called.
The enemy’s watching. He comes in disguise
With those who are waiting for your compromise.
An assignment’s been given and it fits only you.
His reflection upon you looks great from this view!
He’s standing beside you and cheering you on.
No greater reward has been placed there upon.

Walk straight down that path custom made for your feet
For the catwalks of life lead to those you will meet.
Be strong and be ready, He directs whom He’ll choose
To place there before you to spread the good news!
You, who aspiring young girls look up to,
We’ll see who you are as we watch what they do.
As you model a temple that the Lord dwells within,
You’ll model an image well covered from sin.

We’re held to account for all that we do.
Don’t cause one to stumble as they follow you.
Before all the glamor and pearls that you don,
Explain why God’s ARMOR is first to put on.
With grace and with poise, take His SHIELD in your hand.
Position a faith that allows you to stand.
Let the HAT OF SALVATION envelop your mind,
With the SWORD OF THE SPIRIT (the Word), Sin you will bind.

Model that snug BELT OF TRUTH ’round your waste
With the BREASTPLATE OF RIGHTEOUSNESS there in its place.
Step high in those heels for the GOSPEL OF PEACE.
Then PRAY to Him always. No, don’t ever cease.
Stay alert and endure as you pray for the saints.
In all, be forgiving. In all, no complaints.
Your heart will be covered from Satan’s attacks,
His lies and his doubts because God’s got your back !

Then highlight your secrets to life every day:
Teach them to worship as you kneel to pray.
Tell them to ask God for boldness in word.
Now, go share your witness so He will be heard.
You, birthed in Zion, go conquer the world!
You’re a virtuous woman; you’re God’s ‘Covered Girl.’
A High Fashioned Model for Christ you shall be.
So fashion an image of what He will see.

The world’s waiting for you – be bold, stand your ground.
Keep your eyes looking to Him and never look down.
Take your place on life’s stage for His light on you shows.
Sachet into action – go ahead, strike a pose!
Then make way for Jesus, for He’s coming through
With designs to transform you and make you brand new.
Look up all you Fendis and Versaces, too.
You Guccis and Laurens, He’s high over you.

For He is the One who we call on to save
From our sin, from ourselves, and yes, even the grave.
There is none, great or small, who can dare make this claim.
So we humbly and reverently call on His name.
Take a bow, my Lord Jesus, for the honor is Yours.
We’re all here to praise You and raise You. Encore!

May His Veil Be Upon You, May His Grace Shine Down On You.


This poem may NOT be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means including mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without written permission from the author, R’chelle Cyrus-Hughes.


I awoke one morn’ with thoughts of you on a beautiful, sunny day.
A gentle whisper in my ear: “There’s so much that you need to say.”
So I took the time to write them down, for words get lost if they’re not found.
Like treasured memoirs kept around, they must be gathered, laced and bound

As I peeked inside the days gone by, a younger me I see.
She’s looking up to one she loves and you’re looking down at me.
You looked oh so lovely standing there as you oh so gently brushed my hair,
You smiled at me and kissed my face and I felt your love there in that place.

I stopped to think of all you gave throughout my growing years.
I told myself that I’ve been blessed and I wiped away the tears.
For a mother’s love, well, most will see but a Mommy’s Love is rare, indeed.
She takes a child, whom God does give, and grows a heart where Love can live.

I reflect upon this present day and the little ones I see.
As I’m smiling down on the ones I love, they’re looking up at me.
So, I brush their hair and I kiss their face and give Mommy’s Love here in this place.
I model all the things you do for I’m trying hard to be like you.

Your love is a peaceful haven… You’re a garden forever green,
Your air is sweet, your grass is soft, your beauty is eternally seen.
You’re my warming place when the wind blows cold, you’re a gate always opened wide,
Your lap is where I lay my head as your heart says, “Come inside.”


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Do You ever close your eyes, Lord, when You think of all You’ve done?
Does Your splendor incontestably proclaim that You’re the One?
Do You ever nod Your head, Lord, when You hear the angels sing?
Do their Holy sounds whisk You away as joyous praise they bring?

Do You ever sing a melody that soothes You when You’re low?
Or dance a little Holy jig in the pleasure that You know?
Does something cause You laughter, Lord? If so, what might that be?
Chuckles from my sovereign God, now that’s a sight to see!

Do You have a favorite flower, Lord? Is there one we have not seen?
Do You hold the light and shape a bloom to form a floral dream?
Do You ever close Your eyes, Lord, and slumber through the night?
Or does the rest You give to us move far beyond Your sight?

Do You ever feel the pain of life and shed a single tear?
Do dismal clouds come near You, Lord, or does sorrow run in fear?
Do You ever feel the loneliness that causes us such pain?
That void that makes us reach for You so life’s not lived in vain.

Do You ever need to step away and pause from all You see?
Does a stroll upon Your crystal lake bring You serenity?
Will You ever share Your secrets, Lord? Will You tell me what You know?
Like how You form a baby born and cause his seed to grow?

Do the animals give You praise,my Lord? What makes the sky so blue?
What day will grace Your Son’s return and bring us home to You?


This poem may NOT be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means including mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without written permission from the author, R’chelle Cyrus-Hughes.


His thoughts are in motion, His pen is in hand.
His design is a notion awaiting command.
His words, as He speaks them, give Life to behold.
Revelation is written, His story is told..

The sound of His voice spark the powers that be.
All eyes be upon Him – all creation will see
The depth of His wisdom in the smallest detail,
The breadth of His splendor in the grandest of scale.

His commission assigned, for all will be told
A silver-tongued message through silence of gold:
“Cry out in the wilderness with a voice that’s not heard.
Speak boldly in Christ though you won’t say a word.”

As He beckons, I kneel. As He humbles, I pray.
I’m a mind open to Him empowered each day.
With fire consuming and a charge set apart,
The Author of Life writes His word on my heart.


This poem may NOT be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means including mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without written permission from the author, R’chelle Cyrus-Hughes.