THE EYES IN THE SKIES ( A Mother’s Prayer)

As your probing eyes gazed up at skies:
“Are there angels looking down?”
Now your thoughts of play are tucked away
And quiet is the sound.

On streets once made of Sesame:
“See, I can tie my shoe!”
Your dress-up play is gone today,
Your ninja turtles, too!

Childhood stories read aloud,
As precious as can be.
If I could find my way through time,
I’d bring you home to me.

Sweet kisses followed bedtime prayers
With “Love you” hugs so tight.
I held you close and dried your tears
And tried to make it right.

So now, I lay me down to sleep,
I bow my head and then I weep:
“Hush my fears, don’t say a word
For a mother’s prayers are always heard.”

You are Mommy’s little helper –
With energy and spark,
Uniquely wound with life abound,
You’re sure to make your mark.

You are Mommy’s little big man –
Your growing strong and tall.
You’re building dreams from simple things
With a mind that masters all.

You are Mommy’s little sunshine,
such A bright and shining star.
when you Find your way, you’ll never stray
and your light will travel far.

As probing Eyes from above the skies
See my tears that are falling down:
“Your dreams today are just prayers away,
So quiet now the sound.”


This poem may NOT be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means including mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise without written permission from the author, R’chelle Cyrus-Hughes.